Pray for the Requests

This site is for people who want prayer in 'Jesus' name, and for people who want to pray for others.

For questions, comments or personal prayer contact us at

Meditation verses for the Week
"The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul;
 The testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple;
The statutes of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart;
The commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes;
The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring forever;
The judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether.
More to be desired are they than gold, Yea, than much fine gold;
Sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb"

Psalm 19:7 - 10

Words we all need to practice every day

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.
It does not dishonor others,
it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it
keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.

  It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.  Love never fails.

1 Corinthians 13 4- 8


Pray for Edinburgh Mission July 2024. Fort Walton, USA Mission Sept 2025.

Pray for Cecilia Street Deliverence

MONDAY 20th May 2024


Please pray for Andrew who is too proud to accept Jesus as his Lord and Saviour YET who is alcoholic, beats his partner and had a failed suicide attempt last year.

Please bless to have financial turnover this new Tax Year over £3,000,000.00

Sunday 19th May 2024


Pray for all who can not cope in hot British summer weather.

SAT 18th May 2024

Pray for Edinburgh Mission starts 29th June till 7th JULY 2024.

Preparations are starting foor 2025 Mission Fort Walton Florida USA in September.

Pray for missionery Melanie Price whos 17yrs old was baptised this Sunday.

Pray for Grandson who had his first driving lesson.

Friday 17th May 2024

Pray for Paul has he decides on medical procedure to remove prostrate cancer.

Pray for Grandson Luis I am teaching to drive.

Pray for camping field for Edinburgh Mission.

Pray for admin Jules as he updates website at his 91st Birthday.

Pray for my church Christ Temple INT church as seek the Lord for new building last one burnt down.

Pray for relative taking first communion this Saturday.

Wednesday & Thursday 15th &15th May 2024

Pray for wisdom whether to buy new car and caravan this Summer.

Monday & Tuesday 13th 14th May 2024

Pray for Pastor Charles doing a mission in Tanzania last 10 day

that he will preach the gospel and buildup and strength the church;

Sunday 12th May 2024

Please pray for my friend Paul with prostrate cancer.

Saturday 11th May 2024

Please pray for Billy Graham Assoc. Mission  22nd June 2024 in Glasgow with Franklin Graham

Friday 10th May 2024

Pray for Edinburgh Mission on streets of Edinburgh in first week July 2024 telling people the Good News of Lord Jesus Christ.

Thursday May 9th 2024


URGENT: I've just sent a letter of grievance to my employers to reinstate my work after a false allegation. Please pray - I'm losing money and I have bills to pay.

Wednesday May 8th 2024


I'm a supply teacher.I recently got requested to return to a class that I had covered before. This time I was working with a Teaching Assistant who clearly didn't like me. She was disruptive too. She made a complaint about me because I mentioned Palestine. Apparently there have been further complaints about me. I believe this TA instigated all of this. I should have been working somewhere today covering a class, but due to the complaint, I wasn't given work. Pray for vindication.


Lord we pray for those that have lost loved ones.May You give them strength & comfort.


"Please pray that the person who raised a false allegation against me which snowballed would be dropped in Jesus name. Please pray for my sister who has an important meeting tomorrow. Pray for favour & for her to be at peace. She's also undergoing treatment atm. Pray for peace over my niece who's revising & has been stressed."

Tuesday May 7th 2024




"Dear Lord,today may l receive Your promises:
1.I know the plans l have for you…to prosper you,give you hope & a future.
2. Call on me & l will answer you & show you great things.
3.l will prepare a table for you & your cup will overflow.
4.I will deliver you & honour you with long life
5.Be strong & courageous;He will never leave me nor forsake me.
6.Whatever you ask in prayer,believe that you shall receive.
7.I shall be blessed in the city & blessed in the country. "

Sunday & Monday May 5th & 6th 2024


"Praying partners please for my daughter that the Lord blesses her that she may shout out like and say to the Lord “l prayed and the Lord answered “ and also say “ God has brought me laughter & everyone who hears about this will laugh with me” Thank You Lord."


My baby sister Annie (80) went home to Jesus yesterday. Please pray for the family.

Friday & Saturday May 3rd & 4th 2024


My baby sister (80) Annie is in hospice care at home. Please pray God's perfect will be done and that He comfort the family. Thank for praying.

Wednesday Thursday Friday 1st 2nd 3rd May 2024


Lord in the past I have asked for many favours. Today I ask that You never leave me nor forsake me. Prepare a table today right in front of my enemies.Fill my cup and let it overflow with hope, future,blessings and prosperity.


I pray for divine protection from those who are enemies without cause in this workplace.I ask my God to send an army to fight my battles and remove me from this toxic environment. Do not be silent God,put them all to shame and confusion.

Tuesday 30th April 2024


My sister is home in hospice care, Her daughter said she wakens, talks then goes unresponsive. Please pray

Monday 29
th April 2024


My baby sister Annie was in hospital for blood infection. She was unresponsive all day Sunday. The decision was to put her in hospice. Please pray that God's perfect will be done. She gave her life to Jesus years ago. Thanks for praying!

Saturday Sunday 27th & 28th April 2024


Please pray for complete healing in my sister. She’s now awaiting radiation therapy followed by immunotherapy. They’ve also discovered gall stones. Please please pray for complete healing. She has 3 young kids.

Friday 26th April 2024


l come before You Lord and ask You to forgive the family that banished me. When I tried to reach out they still treated me like a stranger. Today l ask Lord that You these same people will come searching for me & seek for reconciliation.

Thursday 25th April 2024

Pray for Edinburgh Mission Outreach Evangelism on street of small team of 7-12 christian people.

Wednesday Tuesday 24th 23rd April 2024


Please pray for dental issues I have. Large fillings and slight bone loss. Please ask God to strengthen my teeth and gums. Thank you. Also that my brother and wife will come to know God.

Sunday 21st & Monday 22nd April 2024

Jules Please pray the doctors will get my son John's blood pressure medication adjusted. His BP has been running low. Thank you.

Friday & Saturday 20th April 2024


I’m presenting some papers at a conference mid May. Please pray more tickets will be purchased in Jesus name.

Thursday 18th April 2024


Lord I pray that l get a job in this new department. Grant me favour in the eyes of the superiors. I ask in Jesus Name.

Sunday Monday Tuesday 14th 15th 16th April 2024


Lord, Master of Life, from whom all paternity proceeds, help daughter and render her fruitful in offspring that she may raise up children to You Lord.I humbly ask in Jesus’s Name.Thank You Lord for hearing my prayers.


Compared to what's going on in the world, these are first world problems, but please pray that:

1) I get help with tidying up my garden and putting up a washing line

2) Someone will help fix my vacuum

3) Someone will help me to take the sideboard into storage – heavy.

4) God provides me a great lodgerI really need an extra pair of hands with the flat and garden. I love gardening and diy but appreciate the guidance extra help

Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th April 2024


Pray for Edinburgh Mission street evangelizing this July on the streets of Edinburgh.

Billy Graham crusades this summer in London, Birmingham and Glasgow.

Friday Saturday Sunday Monday 5th 6th 7th 8th April 2024


Please pray for my sister who has had surgery and will go through chemotherapy and immunotherapy next. Pray God will heal her and strengthen her in Jesus name.


Please pray for my sister's recovery - that it would be speedy. She's just had surgery and is about to undergo radiotherapy/immunotherapy. She has 3 kids. Pray her husband would be more alert in the house. Pray for support for him too.


Lord I humbly ask You to send angels to nurse my daughter to full strength and recovery. I pray she be covered by Your divine blood. Lord hear my prayer!


Pray for a life partner for me in the name of Jesus.


please pray hope and good health for me and my mum Nijole


Please pray for a Job in my area of expertise in Jesus name (Missions & Discipleship). I'm currently doing bitty freelance work. Pray for fixed income.Please pray for complete healing in my sister. Pray for family - that they'll have peace.

Thursday 4th April 2024


Prayer partners please join me bin prayer as l ask the Lord to keep my daughter & her husband under His wings as they travel.May they be protected from harm,accidents and any ailments until they come back home. Thank You Lord for hearing my prayers.

Wednesday 3rd April 2024


Chris W and Jane R who died a week ago and for the family who mourn their loss.

Easter Sunday, Monday, Tuesday 31st March, 1st & 2nd April  2024

Preacher John
Pray for Nick whose alcoholic and jobless will find Christ for  his Saviour.

Pray for Brian who is lonely and suffering from bereavement of wife and Son.

Pray for Mission Edinburgh this july 2024.

Easter Saturday 30th March 2024


Please pray for favour with Anya in the agency that I’m working for. Please pray she’ll speak well of me.Injustice: council tax are trying to overcharge me and threaten me with court action. I merely enquired about what I owed for the two weeks less I spent in my former home. Please pray that God Will bring justice. They’re trying to fine me uneccessarily.

Wednesday Thursday Good Friday 27th 28th 29th March 2024


Lord today we remember the day You suffered for us on the cross. Thank You for forgiving us for our sins. Today cast Your face upon me & my own,answer all the unanswered prayers. Send angels to take up permanent residence in our lives. Thank You Lord for loving us.

Tuesday 26th March 2024


Prayers of thanks for the life Chris W who went to meet his maker last Sunday night. Pray for all the family at his loss.

Monday 25th March 2024


Thankful for the life of Jane R who was promoted to Glory yesterday. Be with her family who will feel the loss and grief.

Saturday Sunday 23rd & 24th March 2024


Please pray for edinburgh Mission first week in July 2024

Thursday, Friday 21st 22nd March 2024

My friend Chris who has lost his mobility with his feet and needs his soul to be saved.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday 18th 19th 20th March 2024

Andrew L

The world's most pressing health issue is overweight. I am 7 and a half stone over weight. I am aiming to be 11 stone. I am on an anti schizophrenia comical chemical called clozapine.This has a side effect of obesity.

Friday, Saturday, Sunday 15th 16th 17th 2024


Prayer request for repentance for myself just as all is in need of repentance

Dear Lord Jesus again we pray for The peace of Jerusalem

Wednesday Thursday 13th 14th March 2024


Pray for the Edinburgh Mission as a team of Christian on 1st week in July share the good news on the streets of Edinburgh.

Pray for refurbishment of Christ Temple International  Church after fire of fist building.

For Easter conference at Rock Church Worship centre.

Sunday, Monday and Tuesday 10th 11th & 12th March 2024

Pray for Taneeka who is very ill and in hospital. Pray for her recovery and young family

Wednesday, Thursday Friday Saturday 6th ,7th,8th 9th March 2024


A surveyor I booked from a comparison site was supposed to do survey last Thursday. It didn’t happen and they didn’t tell me until I chased them today! I’m supposed to be completing next Monday!There’s all sorts of things booked eg removals etc.Please pray urgently that I can get this survey done tomorrow. I’ve just found a firm who have some availability this week.


I’m on a budget atm. Need to get new carpets desperately. Got a quote and I’ve asked for a reduction. Please pray for God’s favour. Work was very quiet earlier on in the year…zero hour contracts. Pray for a stable income. I’ve worked hard all my life, I just need a break.


Prayer Request for protection for Tobias from Tantric magicks, their unholy rituals, and spiritual interference from Gurus. Protection over my soul, spirit, physical body, mind & emotions, that none may interfere but the Lord God, his Son, and holy angels.

Tuesday 5th March 2024


I’m about to buy a flat.Vendor promised to remove filthy carpets from flat and now she’s withdrawn that offer. Please pray she’ll honour her promise. Tenants have been smoking in flat too which means cigarettes have affected everything in the flat. But ultimately the carpets are filthy and it’s costing me more to replace them. Money which I don’t currently have!

monday 4th March 2024


Pray for all who have money worries, and relationship problems and  health problems in Jesus name,

Sunday 3rd March 2024


Pray for H sister who is having surgery after Chemo I pray for complete recovery in Jesus name.

Monday, Tuesday, wednesday, Thursday Friday 26th 27th 28th 29 February& 1st March


Lord please hear me when I call for help! I pray for my sister’s healing. Restore her to complete health. I pray that you help me so l can assist in obtaining finances to get earthly physicians to treat her. Be merciful Lord l pray.


Please pray for my sister who’ll undergo surgery most likely on Thursday. She completed the chemotherapy a while back. Please pray for God’s blessing on this day. Pray that I can spend the day with her daughters to support them. My sister has been very boundaried about me spending time with them because of the differences in our faiths.


Lord be merciful upon Your people in the country that is facing drought. We pray for rains. We humbly ask for a miracle.


Please pray for complete healing in my health. Pray that my cholesterol drops below 5. Pray that God provides a fridge freezer urgently. I cannot afford one right now.Pray for a fixed income.Pray for a well coordinated move to my new home.Pray for complete healing in my sister.


Dear Lord please grant me favour in the eyes of W.S and put my name on the top list. Let my call bring me positive results. I pray for a miracle as l cast all my cares upon You because You care.Thanking You Lord in advance


Please pray for my sister who has gone into hospital for surgery after chemo. She has 3 kids. Please pray for God to heal her completely.

Sunday 25th Feb 2024


My Lord, I pray for uncommon favour & blessings before the beginning of the new season. May l walk in superabundance and keep me and my own with as apples of Your eye. Be gracious to us Lord and answer my prayers.

Saturday 24th February 2024

Pray for Sarah seeking regularly contract work and mortgage for her flat.

Friday 23rd February 2024


Pray for Edinburgh Mission in July 2024

Thursday 22nd February 2024


Just been rejected for a long term job. Devastated. A longs list of rejections for the last 3 years. God help me!In the meantime, thankful for some freelance work, but I need an abundance of agency/freelance work to make ends meet. God have mercy. I have survived by putting some expenses on my 0% interest credit card. This is not a life - I am barely getting by. Please God help!

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 19th 20th, 21st February 2024


Please help intercede with me in praying a blessing over Israel for their peace, safety, salvation, and prosperity along with my own supernatural angelic protection against attacks from the enemy.


Pray for work. I am desperate!! I'm registered with several agencies for events work and the industry has only just started picking up. Pray for the lucrative work to be sent my way - I've so many bills to pay. I've scrimped and scraped for a while now. Pray for God's favour and mercy. one agency for whom I need to complete safeguarding training has had complications with sending me the link. I've not received any of them. Nobody knows why. Pray ultimately for permanent work.


Please pray for my sister. She has undergone chemo. Awaiting surgery now. She’s currently suffering from a cold. Please pray for complete healing from cold and everything else that’s not of God. Pray for health and wholeness in her household in Jesus name. Amen.

Thursday , Friday, Saturday and Sunday 16th 17th 18th February 2024


I need work DESPERATELY. Please please pray for me. I have so many skills & yet this is the most difficult thing - finding permanent work. In the meantime, the agency/interim work is so bitty and unpredictable. Pray that God would send me the lucrative contracts (agency work) because they do exist. Ultimately, I need permanent work. I am active in searching for work & yet it's proving to be hard atm.


Pray that my brother in law would search for a stable job instead of wasting money on fixing cars to be a taxi driver. His children need to eat. he needs to find work. My sister who normally works hard is unable to atm as she is undergoing treatment.

M. G

Dear Lord, please hear my prayer today.l ask that my transfer is approved immediately. Grant me favour in the eyes of the superiors. I humbly ask in Jesus’s Name.


Pray for a permanent job - I've been freelancing for last 3 years with no job security & little pay.Current interim work - pray I get regular work. Pray especially for the lucrative contracts which definitely exist. Pray that the link that I should have received to enable me to teach again will be resolved quickly in the name of Jesus.I've so many bills to pay.Pray God'll send me help to sort the bathroom & garden asap. I can help with an extra pair of hands.

Tuesday & Wednesday 13th &14th Feb 2024


Please pray that I'll be able to find an honest surveyor at a low price and that I can find some carpets on a budget. I've had very little work last few weeks as a freelancer. Please pray for good contracts to come my way. Ultimately pray for a permanent job.Pray for complete healing in my sister. Pray that God would protect my nieces eyes, that she'd find a way to manage the sensitivity to light atm. Pray for healing.


Prayer partners l have put a request for a transfer from the department that l am working to a new one. Please pray that I get a favourable response. Lord grant me favour in the eyes of those involved in the process. Lord hear my prayer.

Monday 12th February 2024


Pray for dear brother Aladair struggling with mental health.

Pray for the work of StreetPastors on our weekend streets.

Billy Graham Mission in Glasgow and Birmingham.

Sunday 11th February 2024


Please pray for healing and deliverance for my mother Denise with schizophrenia. She is a firm believer but has struggled with spirits / auditory hallucinations her entire life. Please send "Brian" and "The Messenger" and any others to the feet of jesus. Let her also be healed in Jesus name. Disconnect her too from any psychics, soul-ties and other works of the devil.


Dear Lord l pray for my sister Lee,please be gracious upon her and hear her prayers. I pray Lord that l find ways of helping her through the difficult times. I believe like Joseph,You brought me to this foreign land that l may be able to take her of my siblings during difficult times like now. Lord I ask You to show up now!

Thursday, Friday Saturday 8th 9th & 10th February 2024


Pray for the Edinburgh Mission in July 2024.

Wednesday 7th February 2024

Preacher John

Pray for the homeless on our cold streets.

Monday, Tuesday 5th & 6th February 2024


Please pray for a permanent job. I'm tired of applying - sometimes it's such a complicated process. I need a secure/regular income.Interim work: please pray that I get the 6 day booking next week. I'm desperate for work. Pray for God's favour. Pray for complete healing in my sister in Jesus name. Amen. Pray also for a strengthening of our relationship & that I'd get to spend quality time with my family.


My Lord I humbly pray for favour like to locate me like Esther,the orphan girl that became queen in a foreign land.I pray for favour to locate me like Shadreck, Meshach & Abednego whom You promoted after being rescued from fiery furnace.Lord hear my prayer.


Prayer partners please pray for my nephew Minnie, a new school boarder struggling with painful and irritated eyes. Lord please l ask for immediate healing that he may continue with his studies at this same school.

Saturday & Sunday 3rd and 4th Feb ,2024

Pray my sister Wendy for mental health stabiliy

Friday 2nd Feb 2024

Pray Jules son John recovering from 2 kidney dialysis and physiotherapy for mobility.

Pray for group of Christians telling people on the streets of Edinburgh about the good news of Jesus Christ our Saviour. Some of us went to Inverness last July 2024.

Wednesday & Thursday 31st & 1st February 2024


Please pray for the salvation of Greg's wife. she is Jehovah Witness


Admin JD was working on your request and accidentally deleted it. Please resend it.


Dear God please Divinely heal and remove this virus pestilance from my boyfriend ease protect him from diseases viruses pestilences and also bacteria and infections in Jesus Mighty name i pray Amen

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday 28th 29th 30th January 2024


TESTIMONY! Thanks be to God that someone is going to loan me some money to buy a flat. I've moved over 26 times - I need stability. Pray for a permanent job. Been doing agency work & have had no work for the last 4 weeks! No work means no money. I've just paid my tax bill for my freelance work & cried because I need work! Pray God will replace it. So much of my earnings have gone towards bills/tax.Pray God would heal my sister completely. Pray she's strengthened for the forthcoming surgery


Please pray for a permanent job in the name of Jesus. In the meantime, whilst I'm registered with agencies, please pray that they send work my way urgently. I haven't had work for 4 weeks now. No work means no pay. Pray God will send work my way. They do have lucrative contracts. I need to pay bills - I'm desperate.


Please pray for a permanent job in the name of Jesus. In the meantime, whilst I'm registered with agencies, please pray that they send work my way urgently. I haven't had work for 4 weeks now. No work means no pay. Pray God will send work my way. They do have lucrative contracts. I need to pay bills - I'm desperate. I sometimes look at the food that people have left over in pubs & feel like eating their leftovers!

Friday & Saturday 26th & 27th January 2024

Pray for healing of my relationship with Wendy my sister she refuses to communicate, and keep her out of mental health hospital.

Thursday 25th January 2024

Pray for Edinburgh Mission which I am co-ordinating 29th June to 7th July 2024. That the ground work may be prepared for the seed of the Gospel to prepare 30, 60 100 fold. That people may be saved, born again of the Spirit and grow into the likeness of Christ.

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 21st 22nd 23rd 24th January 2024


Prayer partners please join me in prayer as I ask the Lord to transfer me from this work place to a new one soon. May I find favour in the eyes of the superiors. I have been praying for a change & a new department opens in spring. May my name be on the list as I make requests. Lord hear my prayer.


Please please pray for work. Currently do agency work. I've had no work for the last 3 weeks which means no pay. Please also pray that 'H' will release the finance that has been earmarked towards the purchase of my little flat which is going through conveyance now. This is urgent.Pray for complete healing in my sister & for her to withstand the treatment she is undergoing.


Prayer partners please pray for my sister Rebecca that she may be healed of this ailment. I ask the Lord for supernatural intervention. May we be highly favoured and be able to find earthly physician to help and the funds to do so. Lord hear my prayer.

Friday & Saturday 19th & 20th January 2024


Please pray for me on Monday and my husband that our eyes will be fine at the opticians as we have lots of eye problems. Also for my brother Stuart, a shadow has been found on his liver today. It could be nothing, I hope and he has to have more scans to verify what it is. Thank you in advance.

Wednesday & Thursday 17th & 18th January 2024


Please pray for the money I need for the purchase of my little flat. I'm desperate. I'm under pressure to get out of my current accommodation. I've moved over 26 times in my life - please pray for stability. Please pray for a PAYE permanent job. In the meantime whilst I do agency work, I know there are some lucrative contracts available - pls pray God sends them my way - pray for favour. I currently haven't had work for 3 weeks now - Pray for work. If I don't work, I don't get paid.

Tuesday 16th January 2024

Pray for my sister Wendy, who is not mentally well, Lord keep her out of hospital and talking to the family.

Sunday & Monday 14th & 15th Januaury 2024


My sister is undergoing treatment and recovering from something - I won't name it. She's unable to work whilst undergoing treatment. Her husband is a taxi driver. They have 3 kids. Pls pray that the govmnt make it easier for her to get some financial support until she's well enough to work. She enjoys going to work - pray she'll soon be in a position to return to work again.

Pray God would find me the £30K mortgage I need. 2 banks have declined because I'm doing agency work atm.

Thursday, Friday Saturday 11th 12th 13th January 2024


Please please pray for favour for a 3 day booking I've applied for - please pray they'll give it to me. They've already filled 5 positions and have 1 more position to fill. Pray it will be more. I need work desperately.

Wednesday 10th January 2024


Pray for Sharon S. in Virginia (United States), that God will touch her heart. That she will forgive me and want to make amends. That she will realize God put me in her life. That God will remind her of the vivid dream she had regarding her grandmother. That Sharon draws closer to the LORD each day. That she will see her grown grandsons for what they are and that this is not right before the LORD. That she chooses to live a healthy peaceful beautiful christian life with Patrick .


Please pray for a permanent job. I’ve been interviewed so many times, so many applications etc! In the meantime I’m doing agency work, so please pray that the existing lucrative contracts will come my way. I need money towards my flat deposit asap. Pray for the miracle of a small mortgage or that it may be gifted/loaned to me in the name of Jesus. The conveyance is already going through now. My bank Nationwide let me down at the last minute. Please pray for God’s provision and protection.


Thanks for your prayers. ~~My hip is a little better but I still can't drive nor walk normally. ~~Also may God heal my shoulder, I have a frozen shoulder.and bless the family ostreinova from kiev in ukraine and my mother. ~~~~Oksana is a widow

Monday & Tuesday 8th & 9th Januaury 2024


Prayer partners please join me as l ask the Lord to bless my daughter that she may be fruitful in offspring that she may raise up children to God. May the Lord enlarge her family.


1) Currently doing agency work. Pls pray for favour for the forthcoming 3 day booking.Need work desperately.

2)Pls pray for permanent work in the relevant field. Pray for favour for the forthcoming interviews. 3)The banks have been reluctant to lend me a small mortgage on my flat purchase because of agency work. Pls pray for favour. I'm being pressured to get out of the current accommodation. The flat purchase is already going through conveyance.

4)Pray for healing in my sister.

Saturday & Sunday 6th and 7th January 2024


Please, pray for conviction of sin and repentance for our government, royals, police force, MOD, justice, medical, educational system, churchianity who departed from God, the Word of God and His Messiah, in Jesus Mighty Name. Thank you Lord. May God bless you. Maranatha!


Please pray for the 3 day booking I’ve applied for. Pray that I’ll get it! Desperately need income. Ultimately pray for a permanent role eventually.I need a small mortgage and my bank have messed me about. Please pray that God would do a miracle. The flat purchase is already going through conveyancing. Pray for God’s miracle.Pray for complete healing in my sister as she prepares for surgery.


Wednesday Thursday Saturday5th & 6th January 2024


I’ve struggled to get a small mortgage (£30k) because I do agency work. I’m in the middle of a flat purchase & I need this desperately. Please pray urgently.Please pray for mercy from the landlord of where I’m living atm. They’re pressing me to vacate asap


I banged my head afew weeks ago. It will heal on it's own, but can take a while. Please pray for the pain to ease, it's getting me down and I don't want to keep taking co -codamal because it's addictive. Thank you all.

Wed & Thursday 3rd and 4th January 2024

Pray for mission to Edinburgh first week in July 2023 on the streets of Edinburgh.

1st & 2nd January 2024 Monday &Tuesday


My Lord,I humbly ask You to shower my daughter & her soul mate that You have chosen for her. May You shower them with marital blessings,happiness,prosperity & love. I trust in You Lord,reveal plans that You have for them & grant them uncommon favour. I pray in Jesus Name.

Pray for the mission to Edinburgh first week in July 2024 led by myself and others who have committed.

Saturday and Sunday30th & 31st December 2023


Prayer partners please pray for me. Today is my last working day before the New Year. I pray the Lord grants me uncommon favour and transfers me from this prison to a palace. Show up and show off in my life my Lord I pray.

Thursday and Friday 28th December & 29th December 2023


I'm going away for a few days to stay in a YHA with a bunch of people who I don't know, but are friendly. Pray for a peaceful and rich time in creating new friendships.I'm still waiting to hear from Nationwide, my own bank who've messed me about with my small mortgage (25K) application. Please pray for favour. Whilst I await the results of perm job applications, pray for lucrative contracts with the agency work I currently do. there are plenty of them about.


Please pray for my daughter Isabel that a Christian man will come into her life shortly and for my upcoming trip to the optician. My eyes are not wonderful at the moment. Thank you.


Thankful prayer as I celebrate 62 years being on this earth today and a preacher nearly 50 years

Tuesday and Wednesday 26th &27th December 2023

My prayer As we approach the new Year may we day by day. See thhe more clearly follow thee more nearly.Love thee more dearly day by day.

Sunday 24th December and Christmas Day 25th Dec 2023


I thank You Lord for this special day,Christmas. Lord uphold my family with Your righteous right hand,be their shepherd as they travel during this time which You set for them.l humbly pray in Jesus Name.

Saturday 23rd Dec 2023


Lord keep my family under Your divine blood. Keep my children as the apple of Your eyes.l declare uncommon favour and supernatural blessings upon them. Thank You Lord.


I humbly pray the Lord protects me over this busy time in that workplace. May the angels take charge and keep me protected & bring peace. Like Joseph,Lord soon transfer me from this prison to a palace. Lord hear my pleading.

Thursday & Friday 21st & 22nd December 2023


Please pray for my grandchildren. They are allowing their 8 year old to get her way by tantrums and yelling.


Pray for Jules who is not feeling well and dehydrated.

Wednesday 20th Dec 2023


We pray for all those who will missed loved ones this christmas.

Tuesday 19th Dec 2023


Pray for Crossover Services in African pentecostal churches this New Year as we cross into 2024.

Sunday and Monday 17th  & 18th Dec 2023


Prayer partners join me in prayer as I ask the Lord send my daughter destiny and financial helpers.l command supernatural favour upon her in the Name of Jesus.


I would like to give thanks for prayers answered,my family travelled safely.


I lost a lot of money last week due to illness. Currently do agency work. Please pray that I'll receive some lucrative bookings this week to make up for loss of income in Jesus name.Pray for a permanent job with job security& that I'll fulfil my vocation in life through a PAYE job.Pray for a small mortgage to purchase a little home.


I pray the Lord keeps me & my own under His divine grace. I ask for supernatural favour upon my children. May those helpers have restless days & sleepless nights and cause them come forth now.

Friday and Saturday 15th & 16th 2023


Please pray that the money I have lost this week due to sickness will be replaced somehow. I need it desperately. I'm doing agency work at the moment. I need to pay for my place to live. Pray that God will be merciful. I work so hard and I need God's grace right now.

Thursday 14th Dec 2023


Please pray that God will replace the income I lost due to illness. I do agency work atm. I really need the money desperately. Pray for complete recovery in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday 13th December 2023


I work for an agency. I was not well enough tonight to do a 3 hour journey for a 4 day contract and they are trying to fine me £60 as a re-booking fee - please pray that this will be nullified. Pray that the money I've lost for not working will somehow be replaced in the name of Jesus. I'm tired. Please pray for job security. A job that is PAYE with NI and Pension. Pray also that I can raise the £***K I need to purchase a flat.


Lord please send Your angels to protect my family as they travel abroad. May they be a pillar of fire by night & pillar of cloud by day. Protect them from harm,accidents,ailments and pestilence. I ask in the Name of Jesus.

Tuesday 12th Dec 2023

Pray for my sister Wendy not mentally well and refusing to speak to most the family.

Sun & Monday 10th and 11th Dec 2023


Prayer partners pray that the Lord removes me from this dungeon like He did with Shadrack,Meshach and Abednego. May the grace locate me before the end of this year that I may celebrate forever.

Friday and Saturday 8th & 9th Dec 2023


Dear Lord please protect my children as they prepare to travel. Send angels to before them to make way for them. Keep them covered with Your divine blood. Let them find favour in the eyes that they meet. I ask in Jesus’s Name.

Friday 8th Dec 2023

Pray for a friend Aladair who suffering from many problems. Give him peace of mind.

Thursday 7th Dec 2023


I pray Lord that You take me away from that toxic place today and forever. Although I don’t see a way but today show up dear Lord and rescue me like You did with the young men inside the fiery furnace. I pray in Jesus Name.

Wednesday 6th Dec 2023


My friend Cecilia is having a growth on her neck cut out and sent to the lab for evaluation next week. Please pray that it will be benign and not grow back.


Please pray for justice: my bank have really messed me about in connection with a small mortgage. It’s too long and complicated to explain. Please pray for justice and God’s providence as I plan to see them this afternoon.

Tuesday 5th Dec 2023

Pray for friend Sarah and her family she hoping to be reunited with her daughter from foster care.

Sunday 3rd Dec and Monday 4th Dec 2023


My bank, Nationwide have seriously let me down with a mortgage application for a small amount. I only need £30K & I have a big deposit. Just because I've been doing agency work their formulae does not fit my lifestyle. I'm in-between contracts and therefore work hard doing a variety of agency work whilst applying for permanent jobs/interviews. I have good credit history and I don't do debt. My flat purchase is going through with speed.Please pray for this £30K to be made available by someone.

Saturday 2nd Dec 2023

Preacher John
Pray for Evangelism in Manchester on 16th December.

Friday 1st Dec 2023

Pray for my sister Wendy who is refusing to have contact with me reconcile our relationship.

Wednesday and Thursday 29th & 30th November 2023


Please pray that the extra money I need to purchase a small apartment to live in will arrive quickly in the name of Jesus. Please pray for fixed work for me rather than casual work. Please pray that the landlord will extend my stay until I move to my new home - otherwise he wants to throw me out before Christmas. This is nothing to do with money - it's because he has been a tyrant and I need to get away from him anyway. Pray that the flat purchase will go through quickly.


Oh Lord of Israel,I pray that You may bless me indeed and enlarge my territory in this coming new month.l humbly ask in the Name of Jesus.

Tuesday 28th Nov 2023


Prayer partners l wish you thank you for your prayers


Lord I pray for my nephew who is waiting anxiously for his grade 7 results.May you grant him favour that he may obtain good results that he may celebrate with all the family

Monday 27th November 2023


Please pray that my new agency will pay for my DBS certificate. I have them done so regularly and there's nothing to declare and I had one done in September 23 anyway. Please pray they will pay for it. Pray that the money I need will come in for the purchase of a flat. Pray that my length of stay in the current place will be extended. Please pray that the owners don't make me homeless. Pray for complete healing in my sister.

Sunday 26th November 2023


Please pray for favour with the team I’m in. I’ve been berrated for bringing up a safeguarding concern.

Fri & Saturday 24th & 25th November 2023


Good Day. Please can you pray for me to get married. I am an born again Christian. I asking for prayer to get married to my future wife. Please can you prayer for me. I believe by faith that GOD will provide for us to get married in Jesus name. AMEN.!

Wednesday & Thursday 22nd 23rd November 2023


Please pray that the executors of this property will allow me to stay until my flat purchase is complete. Please pray for compassion from them. They have been using a horrid man to do their work for them who has been pressurising the executors to force me out. Today I received an eviction order. Please pray for me.


Please pray in the name of Jesus that the two ways I am trying to gather the money to purchase my flat will pay off - that God will give me favour. Pray that the small amount I am trying to borrow will be known today in the name Jesus. Pray for more responses from the email that's been sent out.


Please pray that I'll be able to stay where I am until my flat purchase is complete. Pray this will happen by January 2024 in the name of Jesus. Pray that my finances come in quickly for this purchase. Pray that the harassment will stop. Pray for peace.


Dear Lord I humbly ask that you heal my daughter to complete health. l declare Psalms 91 upon her, make her dwell in the shelter of Most High and cover her with Your great wings.


I pray for divine intervention as l go to that workplace. I am overwhelmed & the workload has tripled with my little workforce. Lord remove me from this. I pray for uncommon favour. Lord hear my pleading.

Tuesday 21st November 2023


Please please pray that I will get positive answers from the email that was sent out yesterday in the name of Jesus.Pray that God will work on the heart of the landlords to extend my stay by a few weeks more in order for me to move elsewhere. Please pray - I'm desperate.

Sunday & Monday  19th & 20th November



Please pray that God will provide that extra 45K to pay for my flat purchase in the name of Jesus. I'm in need of housing urgently having moved over 28 times!


Prayer partners please join me in prayer as l ask the Lord to heal my daughter Tee immediately. May the Lord send His angels to nurse her to complete health. Lord l humbly ask in Your name to protect her with Your divine blood.

Sat 18th November 2023


Dear Lord,l humbly ask You to protect my daughter from the pestilence. Heal her that she will be healed. Keep her & husband under Your wings. I ask in Jesus Name.

Friday 17th November 2023

Pray our church Christ Temple International Church will get a new building to meet soon,

Thursday 16th November 2023

Prayer for our evangelism in Manchester on 16th December 2023

Wednesday 15th November 2023

Pray for the Billy Graham missions in Glasgow and birmingham in UK next year 2024


Monday & Tuesday 13th & 14th November 2023


Please pray for regular work from the agencies I'm registered with especially the one that pays PAYE. Pray ultimately for a permanent p/t job in my area of specialism. Pray for justice for what my former employers did to me. Pray also for me to gather a substantial deposit on a place to live.Pray for complete healing in me - that God would lower my cholestral.Pray for complete healing in my sister undergoing treatment.


Pls pray that I will be delivered from the addiction to wine & from binge drinking: that Father God will remove the desire to drink alcohol from me permanently & that I will be 100% teetotal. Pls pray too that I will receive favour as I apply to withdraw superannuation: that my application will be processed urgently & funds deposited to my bank account immediately.With thanks Ruth


Please pray for justice. I work for an agency whereby 1 woman has been a tyrant. She has twice blamed me for something by gaslighting. Now the nice consultant is afraid to give me work because of being bad mouthed by the tyrant. I invite God into this situation and bring about the right solution.

Sunday 12th November 2023

Peace in our street in Bolton and Lord Jesus will wonderfully change people who live here.

Friday & Saturday 10 & 11th November 2023


Please pray that God provides me with the finances I need to buy a home. I'm working hard with temporary work (been for so many interviews for permanent jobs, but repeated rejections). Pray for a miracle in the way of finance so that I can find a home. I've moved over 28 times! Pray for stability.Pray for my life partner to come into my life.


Please, continue to pray for salvation and healing of my father George, that he may go out of the hospital born again and healed in Jesus' Mighty Name, and may the Lord use him to witness to the entire, unsaved family so, they may get saved, born again, as the time is short, in Jesus Mighty Name. Thank you, Lord. All glory be to God. May God bless you. Maranatha!

Thursday 9th Nov 2023

The Gospel of Jesus Christ be spread throughout the nations.

Wednesday 8th Nov 2023


My Lord,l believe this is the soulmate that You have chosen for my daughter.l pray that You bless both of them.l pray for marital blessings,l pray for a bright future filled with love,happiness and may You enlarge their territory. Thank You Lord.


Pray that money owed to myself by 1 Christian organisation and 1 secular organisation for freelance work completed will be delivered to my account within the next 24 hours in the name of Jesus.

Pray that travel expenses for a job that was completed@the end of September will indeed be reimbursed this month.

Please pray for healing for yet another permanent job that I was rejected for by another Christian organisation. Many have interviewed me to tick boxes and then appoint internally. Fed up.

Mon & Tuesday 6th & 7th November 2023


Please pray for God’s favour on the interview I’m about to have for a permanent role. I desperately need permanent income.


Please, pray for salvation and healing of my father George, that he may go out of the hospital born again and healed in Jesus' Mighty Name, and may the Lord use him to witness to the entire unsaved family and they may get saved, born again, as the time is short, in Jesus Mighty Name. Thank you, Lord. All glory be to God. May God bless you. Maranatha!


I asked for prayer a few days ago for my Bartholin cyst. It can be really painful. This is the 3rd one and the same place. I am on antibiotics and hot baths. Trouble is I am due to fly to Germany on Dec 1st for a few days and I don’t want to spoil my daughter and husbands holiday if it flares up again. I won’t be able to walk if it does. Please pray that God will cure it for good, I know he can Thank you.


Please pray for me I am a singer and I will be singing on Sunday morning ?

Sunday 5th November 2023


Please pray for success at my interview on Monday.

Please pray that today in my temporary job, I’ll be able to sell the contents of the two cabinets.

Friday & Saturday 3rd & 4th November 2023


The Billy Graham crusade in Rome will bear much fruit.

Thursday 2nd November 2023


Please pray for my ladies problem. Bartholin cyst. Thank you.

Wednesday 1st November 2023


My friend Bernice's son-in-law was in an automobile accident, totaled his car and is in hospital. Please pray the Lord will use the situation to draw all of them into a deeper relationship to Jesus. Thanks for praying!

Tuesday 31st October 2023


Please pray. I’ve an interview on Monday for a permanent position. I need reliable income desperately. Please pay for God’s favour. Pray that they make my interview task easy.

Monday30th October 2023


Please pray that God gives me favour with my current agency that pay PAYE.

Sunday 29th October 2023


Prayer partners join me in prayer as l ask the Lord to grant my son in-law immediate miraculous healing right now in Jesus’s Name.


Lord l humbly come before You and ask for healing for Russell. Send Your angels to nurse him in that hospital bed.Lord hear my prayer.

Friday & Saturday 27th & 28th October 2023


1) pray that I’ll get that 1 day booking next Friday. Pray that they’ll change the time slot to the morning.

2) pray blessings on my permanent job application that was sent today

3) Pray God heals my sister completely from ‘c’ and that she can withstand the treatment. Pray that this condition will be a distant memory.

4) pray that God heals my relationship with my sister.

Thursday 26th October 2023


Please pray that my former insurance company will now as a matter of urgency pass my NCD certificate with my car plate included. I am exasperated by having to contact them over 10 times. My current insurers have repeatedly sent me reminders. Please pray for God's intervention.Please pray for more lucrative bookings from the 2 agencies I work for. I have bills to pay and I'm having to save for a deposit for a home which is urgently needed. Pray that my cholestral will drop under 5.

Tuesday & Wednesday 24th & 25th October 2023


Please pray for paid work this week. Especially Wednesday and Thursday. I'm saving up for a deposit. I need it desperately.Pray for my sister to tolerate the chemo she's undergoing - pray for complete healing.Pray that my cholestrol will fall under 5.
Pray that I'll be able to stay where I am until I find the right place to live

Monday 23rd October 2023


That the 200plus isreali hostages will be released.

Saturday and Sunday 21st & 22nd  October 2023


Peaceful solution to Hamas and Isreal war,

Friday 20th October 2023


Oh Lord,today I shout out to You that You would bless me and enlarge my territory. May Your hand be with me. Bless my children and keep them as an apple of Your eye. Open flood gates of heaven and show off in my children’s lives. Thank You Lord!


Please pray that God will provide a steady income for me. Looking for work is so labour intensive. I'm doing lots of 'bitty' freelancing work atm. I need a permanent income. I want to use the gifts/talents that God has given me. Pray God'll guide me to the right home as I'm in temporary accommodation atm. Pray that God'll protect me from the bullies in connection with my current housing - pray that God will subdue Phil.Pray for complete healing in my sister. Pray for reconciliation too.

Thursday 19th October 2023

Pray my friend son Adam who is on holiday in Jordon that the lord will keep him safe

Wednesday 18th October 2023


My friend Lorraine's older brother Dennis found the cancerous tumor in his colon has spread throughout his body. He is waiting or his oncologist appointment to see the next steps. Lorraine wants prayer for God's perfect will in all this and for strength for herself. Thank you for praying

Sunday Monday Tuesday 15th 16th 17th October 2023


Lord today I pray that You will hear my prayers and answer me. Like Jabez, l humbly ask that You enlarge my territory and give me blessings a good measure. I pray in Jesus Name.

Saturday 14th October 2023

Please pray for the Peace of Jerusalem and isreal.

Thursday & Friday 12th & 13th October 2023


Please pray for God's blessings on a piece of written work I need to complete preferably within the next 24 hours. Pray that the ideas would just flow!Pray for more reliable income in the areas which God has gifted me in.Pray that I'll be able to find a peaceful home asap. Pray that the current owners will extend my tenancy until I find somewhere. Pray for God's mercy.


Please, continue to pray that God will deal speedily with TATIANA & BARRY, ESTERINE, KAREN & gang & Matthew, Janice & accomplices and that God may bring conviction of sin & by the law of the land & eviction of illegal culprits and may STOP all the DRUGS, crimes, wickedness, witchcraft & sorcery, in our block of flats and His peace and order may be established, in Jesus Mighty Name. Thank you, Lord. May God bless you!

Wednesday 11th Oct 2023


Pray for me that the Lord sends angels to protect me in that dungeon. May grace locate and remove me from this workplace soon.


Pray for the Peace in Jerusalem and Ukraine

Monday 9th and Tuesday 10th Oct 2023


I pray today that grace will locate me like Joseph the prisoner. I pray grace locates me like Shadrech, Meshach & Abednego. I pray grace locates me today like Esther the orphan girl. Lord answer my pleading.

Sunday 8th October 2023

Preacher John

Pray for the conflict in Gaza and isreal we pray peace keeper be sent to bring Peace.

Sat 7th October 2023


Pray for all the leaflets given out in Manchester UK shopping park 3-400 given out. We pray that they bring precious souls to Lord Jesus

Friday 6th October 2023


Please pray for my partner Brian and I. We have been together a year and hoped to marry, but he worries what people think as we are from different social circles. My son recently died and I need Brian to be there for me, but I feel him growing distant. I’m scared and not coping well. Please pray that Bryan will be more open towards me and we can communicate better. I am grateful for your prayers. Thank you

Thursday 5th October 2025


Pray for my sister Wendy mental health healing, communicating with my family.
Pray for Rock church will grow in numbers.

Wed 4th October 2023


Please pray for Cecilia's sister Mary on vacation in Maine went to ER with diverticulitis. Please pray for her rapid healing. Thank you


Dear Lord,l humbly request that You send a destiny helper to help me and my daughters in this project that we are about to launch.May we find favour in their eyes and let the Lord guide us through.l pray in Jesus Name.


Prayer partners join me in prayer as l ask the Lord that the person that we have asked for help will readily do everything possible with great care,kindness and interest.May the Lord release supernatural favour upon my life. Thank You Lord.

Tuesday 3rd October 2023

Pray for the december outreach Christ Temple church in Manchester UK.

Monday 2nd October 2023


Prayer partners please join me in prayer as l ask the Lord to grant sister Lue favour in the eyes of the officials dealing with her case. May the Lord send His angels to take charge. I ask in Jesus Name.


Please can I ask again for prayer for my eyes, especially my left eye. I have dry eyes, cataracts, lattice degeneration and a small macular hole in my left eye. Also high myopia (short sight). I’ve had two pvd’s. God is good and I can see fine with glasses at the moment. Please pray for improvement as I do worry. Thank you.

Sunday 1st October 2023


That the gospel of Jesus christ be preached to all nations, especially not reached yet.

Saturday 30th September 2023


Pray that God gives me favour with my colleagues. Pray that people will like me. Sometimes I feel so lonely especially because of the age difference in different work situations.

Friday 29th September 2023

Anon (Jules)

Father, I lift up Sarah to you, and ask You to prepare her to be a godly wife and mother and then bring her the godly husband You have prepared for her.


Dear Lord,l thank You for gift of life upon my daughter who has celebrated another year. Thank You for helping me raise her. May You keep her as an apple of Your eye. May You continue to cast Your smile upon her. Shower her with Deuteronomy blessings. Thank You Lord.


Hello, Please pray for complete healing. I need to go on cholesterol control tablets. It appears to be a 'genetic' issue. Pray that I may be able to control it in natural ways - although I'll go on tablets at the doctors recommendation. Pray my potassium levels will lower - naturally. Pray for God to bless my health. Pray for my sister to be extra comfortable through her current treatment for something else.

Thursday 28th September 2023


There is an ethnic cleansing against Armenians in the Nagorno-Karabakh by the army of Azerbaijan. They attack Armenians because they are Christians. All international authorities have abandoned the Armenians and Azerbaijan is trying to exterminate this Christian population. pray for them.

Tuesday & Wednesday 26th &27th September 2023


Pray for my sister Wendy who is not mentally well at present.
Pray for Pastor Richard and the sad loss of his uncle.

Monday 25th September 2023


1)Pray for my sister (who has 3 kids) who is undergoing treatment for a small lump in her breast. Pray for the great physician for complete healing in Jesus name and that the process would be kind to her.2)Pray for my cholesterol levels to return to under 5 in Jesus name. 3)Pray for my achilles tendons to be in good order again.4) pray for good mental health in myself and in my sister.5)Pray that God would give me a companion to love me and vice versa

Sunday 24th September 2023

Please pray for my sister Wendy who is very mentally unwell even though discharged from hospital.

Pray for Christ Temple church new church building in Manchester UK

Thursday Friday Saturday 21st 22nd 23rd September 2023


John is home from the hospital. After another round of bloodwork they took him off the IV drug and put him on an oral drug. Please pray this drug will work to cure the infection in his blood. Thanks


Please pray that my cholesterol levels will be lowered. I’m a health conscious person, but for some reason my levels are high. I’m due to speak to a doctor soon, please pray for God’s help. Pray that I can lower my levels without medication in Jesus name. Amen Pray for my lifetime companion to come into my life.

Wednesday 20th September 2023

Pray homeless Shane may get his own flat or home son.

Tuesday 19th September 2023


My son John is in hospital again, with fever and vomiting. Please pray for his rapid healing.Thanks

Monday 18th September 2023

Pray for Shane struggling with new faith in Christ Jesus

Saturday & Sunday 16th and 17th September 2023


My friend Ira's daughter Jenny is on a feeding tube and is pregnant. The baby is not growing fast enough. Please pray Jenny will be able to get more nutrients so the baby will be viable and be born healthy.


Prayer partners pray that the Lord will grant me favour and transfer me from this prison to a palace like Joseph. I ask for uncommon favour. I ask in Jesus Name.

Thursday & Friday 14th &15th September 2023


Pray for conference at Rock church , Bolton, UK 6.30pm Thursday and Friday and Sunday 11.00am with Apostle Alidi John.

Tuesday, Wednesday 12th & 13th Septemder 2023


Dear Lord,l humbly ask that You may cast Your face towards my daughters and bless them with good health, prosperity, happiness and love.May You send soulmate to the single and strengthen the wedded. Bless them with the gift of life that they may have heirs very soon.l ask in Jesus’s Name.


Please, continue to pray for me as the neighbours never stop producing and cooking illicit, noxious, poisonous drugs, being again in A & E and police are failing to attend to arrest the culprit. God may divinely intervene, here, now, today and STOP all the crimes, wickedness, witchcraft & sorcery and poison from the neighbours, Tatiana & Barry, Janice, Esterine, who are cooking and producing class A illicit drugs, destroying day and night my life, health, the street ministry for over 9 years


Lord You promised that You can make rivers flow from barren heights and pools spring from the deserts.Today may l receive this uncommon blessing, l humbly pray.

Monday 11th Sept 2023

Please pray for Shane who is been a new christain just over one month and growing well in Christ. Protect him from the evil one.

Sunday 10th Sept 2023

Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem as commanded in Psalms.

Friday & Saturday  8th & 9th Sept 2023


Please pray for conference at church this coming week at The Rock @ Bolton UK

Wednesday & Thursday 6th & 7th Sept 2023

Pray for my sister Wendy and friend Nick with serious mental health problems.

Monday &Tuesday 4th & 5th Sept 2023


Please pray for God's favour with my search for a fixed income - permanent job.Please pray for housing.Please pray for complete healing for my sister - she has undergone chemo.Please pray for the resurrection of my relationship with my sister and her family.Please pray for my life partner.Please pray for conviction in the employers who bullied me out of a job & for justice.Please pray for Christian community.Please pray - I'm lonely.Please pray that I can complete today's work. Amen.


Please pray for God’s healing for a Bartholin’s cyst that I have. It is not painful but this is the second one and if antibiotics don’t clear it for good that I will have to have the whole gland removed, very painful afterwards apparently. I don’t smoke or drink so I don’t know what is causing it.


Sunday 3rd September 2023

Pray for my sister Wendy suffering mental health problems and in hospital.

Saturday 2nd September 2023


Pray for those who are spiritual lost looking for hope in Christ Jesus

Friday 1st September 2023

Prayer for myself caught COVID-19. Please for good


Prayer partners please join me in prayer as l ask the Lord to send me destiny helpers as l prepare for my late father’s memorial service.l feel overwhelmed and I’m at my lowest. May the Lord be with me every step of the way. Cast Your face on me Lord and say “I am your Saviour”

Lord You promised that You will never leave me nor forsake me, that You will uphold me with Your right righteous hand. Please cover me with Your divine blood & protect me from those who do not speak peacefully