Oxenhope Online

Image: Oxenhope from the wind turbine (near Haworth) Image: Crowds at the Bay Horse during the Straw Race 2002 Image: The stream running through the Millennium Green



Alcohol and Drugs
Children and Young People
Emotional crisis
Marriage guidance
Missing people
Older people
Rape and sexual abuse
Social welfare
Violence and crime

If there are any other that I have omitted, please let me know.

Many self help groups are listed on the Kilmeny surgery (Ingrow) site at Self Help

Alcohol and Drugs    [Top of page]

DrinkLine - Offers advice, information and support to anyone concerned about their own or someone else's drinking Call free on 0800 917 8282.

National Drugs Helpline - Helpline for drug users, their families, friends and carers. Call free on 0800 77 66 00

Bereavement   [Top of page]

Cruse Bereavement Line - Helpline for bereaved people and those caring for bereaved people. (020) 8332 7227

Child Death Helpline - Telephone helpline for anyone affected by the death of a child. Call free on 0800 282986

Carers   [Top of page]

Carers Line - Advice and information for all carers. Call free on 0808 80S 7777

Children and young people   [Top of page]

ChildLine - Helpline for children and young people in danger, distress or with any problem. Call free on 0800 1111

NSPCC - For anyone concerned about a child at risk of abuse. Staffed by social work counsellors. Call free on 0800 800 500

Relate in Keighley - (Web site: www.relate-keighley.co.uk) Provide help for children who are unhappy, unsettled or worried because of their parents' conflict, separation, divorce or relationship breakdown. Telephone 01535 605047 or email relate@keighley.pennine.net

Disability   [Top of page]

DIAL - UK network of disability information and advice services run by people with direct experience of disability. (01302) 310123

Emotional crisis    [Top of page]

The Samaritans - Confidential, emotional support for anyone in a crisis. 0845 790 90 90 local call rate

Family   [Top of page]

Careline - Counselling for children, young people and adults. (020) 85141177

Parentline - Helpline for the parents and carers of children. Call free on 0808 800 2222

Health   [Top of page]

Health Information Service - Provides information on NHS services and coping with illnesses and treatments. Also provides information about support groups and helplines including smoking, mental health, sexual health and those providing information relating to pregnancy/abortion. Call free on 0800 66 55 44

Legal   [Top of page]

Accident Legal Line - For people who have suffered an injury in an accident. Will refer on to local solicitors if appropriate. Call free on 0500 19 29 39

Immigration Advisory Service - Advice, assistance and legal representation for people who encounter problems with British immigration controls. (020) 7378 9191

Marriage Guidance

Relate in Keighley - (Web site: www.relate-keighley.co.uk) Relationship counselling and sex therapy. Telephone 01535 605047 or email relate@keighley.pennine.net

National Relate website: www.relate.org.uk

Missing people    [Top of page]

National Missing Persons Helpline - Counselling, listening and practical support for anyone missing relatives  or immediate family members. Call free on 0500 700 700

Message Home - Confidential helpline to let someone know that you are safe if you have left home or run away. Call free on 0800 700 740

Money   [Top of page]

Credit Action -  (Web site: www.creditaction.com includes an online self help guide) The National Money Education Charity, Promoting self-help in personal money matters. Call Credit Action helpline on 0800 591084 (freephone) or email credit.action@dial.pipex.com

National Debtline - Help for anyone in debt or concerned they may fall into debt. Call free on 0808 808 4000

Gamcare - Confidential counselling, advice and information for anyone affected by a gambling problem. 0845 6000 133 local call rate

Older people   [Top of page]

Age Concern - Telephone service for older people, their families and people working with them. Call free on 0800 731 4931

Seniorline - Information service for senior citizens, their relatives, carers and friends. Call free on 0808 800 6565

Police   [Top of page]

Keighley Police Station - 01535 604261

Rape and sexual abuse    [Top of page]

Rape Crisis Centre - Helpline for women and girls who have been raped or sexually assaulted. (020) 78371600

Social welfare   [Top of page]

Shelterline - Helpline for anyone facing a housing emergency. Call free on 0808 800 4444

Citizens Advice Bureaux - Please refer to alphabetical listing in Business and services

Violence and Crime    [Top of page]

Refuge - 24 hour crisis line providing practical advice and emotional support for women experiencing domestic violence. 0870 599 5443

Victim Support - Emotional support and practical advice for victims of.crime. 0845 303 0900 local call rate

